100k hosted websites, 47 locations, customers from 72 countries, and over 330 top customer reviews on Trustpilot! Talk about good numbers! Stablepoint has done it again!
We are elated. We are proud. And We are excited to be able to deliver technical excellence helping reimagine website hosting in a new and innovative way.
We are committed to pushing our limits that inspire us to take our brand to the next level and bring a whole new experience to all of our users.
A look back
In just a few short years, ever since our launch in 2018, our brand has gained the trust and support of thousands of loyal customers who have put their online safety in our hands. Our technical expertise and an eagerness to develop further open up huge opportunities to keep with the industry trends and challenges.
The main reason customers trust us with their websites lies within the fact that our technical experience is outstanding, while our team manages to stay approachable, understanding and relatable.
Over the years, we have strived to deliver enriching experiences to our customers. We feel deeply encouraged when our work is honestly appreciated and applauded. At the same time, Stablepoint has managed to automate processes which a lot of other hosting companies are still doing by hand. Malware tracking, deploying new servers, Denial of Service attacks even, are handled by our advanced software and automated processes.
A modern web hosting provider, established by industry veterans, Stablepoint aims to keep the company personal and friendly even as it continues to grow. Our founders, run by the original creators of Tsohost and Vidahost, have built a brand which reflects our honest and friendly approach.
The future
We started small, but soon we’ve become a dynamic brand with a strong workforce helping us bring our service to the forefront of users in 72 countries across the globe. We believe it is a great and proud moment for us. And we are more than happy to invite you to join us for our 100k hosted websites celebratory!
Thank you for being with us on this incredible journey.

Nadejda Milanova
An experienced Content creator in the field of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and WordPress. A true proffesional with a Master's degree focused on journalism.
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