Transfer to Stablepoint
We include free website migrations in all of our packages, and can move your website, domain and emails from other providers to ourselves.
No long-wait times, or vague estimations. We can usually start migrations straight away, or work at a timeframe that suits you.
Request as many migrations as you like, whenever you like. We can move a handful of sites you for now, and a handful in six months if you so wish.
We can move sites with no downtime. We will ensure sites run on our systems before updating DNS.
We can perform IMAP transfers on your mailboxes in order to move over emails and email content.
If you are coming from a cPanel/WHM host, we can move over your websites in bulk, by using the cPanel backup and restore feature.
We can provide preview links so you can test your site before your website is pointed to our systems.
We can migrate from any web host where we have access. Alternatively you can provide us with a backup of files and databases.
Our migration team are a dedicated outfit, with significant experience in moving websites. They focus just on moving websites to our platform. Some days we may handle hundreds of moves.
Our experts are available 24/7 to do your migrations for you. We have moved tens of thousands of websites from other hosts to Stablepoint. You can request as many migrations as you like, at whatever frequency you like, whenever you like. We can usually start straight away.
The first step is to place an order for your new web hosting plan through our website. This can be to any of our packages. If you aren't sure which package you need, chat to our support.
Migration requests can be submitted securely through your client area with us, accessible once you have an account. You choose which package you want to migrate the website to, and then provide us with any information about the site you think is relevant and any special requirements for the migration (if any).
We will need access information to your current host (see details below for what we need). The migration request will start a communication thread with an agent, so we will ask if we need anything else.
Depending on the type of migration you have requested, we may provide you with a preview link to test the site. Once you are happy that your site is migrated, you (or we) can update the nameservers or DNS on your domain name to point to the new server.
Our standard nameservers are
These work for all shared, reseller and dedicated servers with us - on top of our global Anycast DNS cluster. We can also provide whitelabel nameservers as well as custom nameservers for resellers.
We can provide a preview proxy link for testing a website, but the best way to preview a website is by setting a hosts file on your computer. Read our knowledgebase guides on previewing websites.
If you are moving in a number of sites, for example a whole reseller account from another provider, then we can do migrations in bulk.
If you are running multiple cPanel accounts, you likely have WHM (Web Host Manager) access. You may have this as a reseller, or as root. Either way, the best way for us to move sites is to generate cPanel backups and restore them to our servers. This keeps the folder structure, emails, ftp accounts etc all intact. A cPanel backup provides a single .tar.gz backup file which we can then restore to our system.
If you have root access to your current system, we can use that to remotely copy all accounts automatically. However in most instances you will likely just have reseller WHM access only. For this, we can script a remote migration using the cPanel API.
If that fails we can back up each cPanel individually and move it over.
We would suggest doing all the migrations from one reseller in one-go. However you can provide us a list of usernames for us to do standalone.
Online store transactional data is stored in a database, and as part of a website migration service we have to take a copy of the database and restore it to a new system.
Online store transactional data is stored in a database, and as part of a website migration we have to take a copy of the database and restore it to a new system. If during the process of a migration, an order goes to the current site, then it is possible for the copied database to not include that order.
This is one of a number of delicate areas that makes Ecommerce site moves (using software such as Magento, WooCommerce, OpenCart and Prestashop) more difficult than static websites. Others include IP allows for payment gateways and PCI compliance approval if you are accepting or storing card data.
Ecommerce websites, usually going to our Premium or dedicated server packages, are migrated especially carefully. There are a couple of techniques we can use to ensure no transactional data is lost during the migration process, even whilst the DNS propagates. Our migrations team can handle this entirely for you - just let us know you have a transactional eCommerce site in the migrations request.
Stablepoint welcomes customers - We are delighted to welcome customers to the Stablepoint family. All products and prices remain the same. You can log into your new client area at