Over the years, WordPress has become one of the most powerful tools for creating websites. Already used by millions, among whom there are both proven professionals and beginners web enthusiasts and even people with other businesses who have simply decided to make their own site. Over time, a number of myths have accumulated around the platform, some of which are particularly frightening, especially for the latter category - people who are trying to do something on their own for the first time. For others, it has long been clear that behind the name WordPress is the work of tons of people, true professionals, and WP is now used not only to create small blogs, but even some of the largest and most reputable international sites rely on it.
WordPress is just a blog
Even if at the beginning that was true, the platform quickly became a powerful tool for creating much more complex sites. Sometimes there is a discrepancy with Wordpress.com - a service with which you can create your own site hosted by them - really fast, easy and simple. However, Wordpress.org is a powerful tool for creating websites. One with which almost 49% of the sites on the Internet have already been created. The platform has long been used to create a number of corporate sites, online stores, news sites, government portals, and many Fortune 500 companies rely on it for their sites. One of the most popular WordPress add-ons - WooCommerce is actually the largest e-commerce platform - bigger than Shopify, Magento and others you may have heard of.
WordPress is not secure
One of the popular myths that is spread by users is that WordPress sites are not at all secure and hacked easily. Completely untrue. The fact that the project is open source leads to easier detection of errors in it. Even if you are not a professional, there are many ways to make a secure installation of WP, so that your site is more secure than anyone else’s. Once you build your site, you have the opportunity to use services that further increase security and prevent attacks. Not only is WordPress secure, but with much easier steps it can become more secure than any other custom site you've made.
WordPress is not for e-commerce
We have already refuted this myth above. There are many plugins that quickly turn WordPress into a powerful trading platform. Even excluding WooCommerce, which according to statistics is made about 43% of e-shops on the network, there are still many solutions that provide you with exactly what you need for your business. One of the features of the project is that for almost everything you can think of, an add-on has already been created, so that you can very quickly and easily add various functionalities to your site or remove them without leaving any bugs.

The future of WordPress is unclear
Some time ago, articles appeared about the profits of the company that officially stands behind WordPress. However, everything related to their business is speculation. Whatever happens to the parent company, the very model of creating this CMS makes it immortal. It is open source and millions of people are developing projects related to it. Behind WP stands not just one person or one company, but a huge community of developers from around the world from different nationalities. The community is constantly growing and everything has long been outside the boundaries of the foundation that officially stands behind the project. And with all that said here, it is the company that stands for WordPress, WooCommerce and a number of other founding plugins - it has grown several times over the last few years and continues to do so at an extremely rapid pace.
WordPress has no support
This is a myth, again spread mainly by people who have not actually worked with the platform. There is a huge amount of help online that you can get for free, advice and information from various forums and groups. Almost everything you may encounter a problem with has already been discussed and a solution has been found. At the same time, each add-on that you may have a problem with also has its support, and for a small amount for a subscription or for the purchase of the plugin itself, you can get professional help.
WordPress is free which means low quality
The installation of WordPress is really free and without giving extra money you can do a lot of things. However, the quality is guaranteed by the fact that almost every product used with the CMS has been checked by countless developers. Even if something didn't work properly, it's already fixed by someone else. Besides, not everything is free. There are complex supplements that will cost you – they are very high quality, because of the competition with free alternatives, which are already good on their own.
All WordPress sites look the same
This myth starts from the fact that after the initial installation, all websites really do look the same. Many people decide to use them in this form with the initial theme. However, there are millions of different themes on the web, you can develop your own and that makes the designs different. Companies like CNN, Microsoft, Adobe, The New York Times and many others use WP as well. It's all up to customization after you do the initial installation.
WordPress is for beginners
It is true to some extent and this is part of its appeal. It is true that you can use WordPress even if you are a beginner with no coding knowledge. However, WordPress is handled by some of the best developers in the world. They make websites, themes, plugins and everything related to WordPress, and you have access to it.
WordPress is not suitable for high traffic websites
We have already partially shattered this myth by mentioning some of the sites that work with the platform. It all comes comes down to speed. A basic installation without any additional settings would really have difficulty with more traffic. But there is a very easy and solution for this - both free and premium. Again, you can set things up so that your site speed is excellent. But everything, like traffic, comes with time. However, it is true that many WordPress sites have a lot of traffic and still have great speed.
After all, WordPress is a great tool for creating websites, and its biggest appeal and advantage is that it can be used both by professionals with many years of experience in making Internet projects, and by complete beginners. Due to its open source, it has a number of advantages that other similar CMSs lack.

Nadejda Milanova
An experienced Content creator in the field of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and WordPress. A true proffesional with a Master's degree focused on journalism.
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